In the recent Karnataka elections, the Congress emerged victorious and is now poised to appoint a Chief Minister in the state. The decision on who will be appointed to this position will be made by the Congress high command in due course. The race for the post of Chief Minister in Karnataka has narrowed down to two prominent leaders – former CM Siddaramaiah and Karnataka Congress President DK Shivakumar.
Amidst reports of a rift between the two leaders over the intensifying discussions for the post of Chief Minister, DK Shivakumar has come forward to address the matter. The politician has categorically denied any differences of opinion between the two leaders.
DK Shivakumar’s statement is currently unknown.
According to Karnataka Congress President DK Shivakumar, rumors of a rift between him and Siddaramaiah are unfounded. Shivakumar clarified that there are no differences between the two leaders.
The individual claims to have made numerous sacrifices for the party and remained loyal to Siddaramaiah. The individual has expressed their support for Siddaramaiah. There is a stir in Karnataka regarding the post of CM.
According to sources, the names of Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar are being considered for the position of Chief Minister. Several Congress MLAs have reportedly held meetings with former Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, who has now arrived in Bengaluru to meet with Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge. Kharge is expected to arrive in Delhi later this evening. The Congress Legislature Party is scheduled to convene a meeting today at 5.30 pm.
Posters projecting DK Shivakumar as the leading face for the Chief Minister’s post have been put up by supporters of both Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar. The decision of the Congress high command remains to be see