Over one crore people died from cancer in 2020. Poor posture causes neck pain, which may indicate neck or head cancer. The symptoms are sore throat, headache, breathing difficulties, and swelling. Poor dental hygiene, HPV infection, and chemical exposure are risk factors. Preventing neck cancer requires early detection and treatment…
Over time, lifestyle changes have spread cancer like fire. There’s no infallible cure despite medical advancements. Cancer killed over one crore people in 2020, according to WHO. These numbers show that cancer kills one in six people.
Cancer can be easily cured if diagnosed early. Bad posture and other factors can cause neck pain, which is frequent. This discomfort is not serious, but if it lasts or doesn’t improve, it may be. Neck and head cancer can cause recurring neck pain. Know its symptoms and risks.
What are neck cancer symptoms?
Neck pain is common due to our lifestyle. Poor sitting posture can cause neck pain due to muscle tension, sitting with your neck bent too long, or sleeping in the improper position. It’s also concerning when this discomfort returns or doesn’t improve. Neck or head cancer can cause frequent neck pain. The main Neck Cancer symptoms are:
Sore throat, headache, neck pain that won't go away, trouble breathing or speaking, a blister that won't heal, swelling of the jaw or neck, bleeding nose, ear pain or infection, difficulty swallowing or chewing, pain in upper teeth or face, blood in saliva
What are neck cancer risk factors?
Infection HPV
HPV can cause neck cancer. Thus, its vaccination is crucial.
Hazardous chemical exposure
Due to your job, you may be exposed to paint, wood dust, etc. Neck and head cancer can result. Therefore, avoid such substances.
Poor oral hygiene
Not taking care of teeth increases neck cancer risk. Therefore, oral hygiene is crucial.
Lifestyle changes have made cancer a common disease, killing over one crore people in 2020. Chronic neck pain, a typical symptom of poor posture, may indicate neck or head cancer. Sore throat, headache, difficulty breathing or speaking, blisters in the mouth or tongue, swelling of the jaw or neck, bleeding nose, ear discomfort or infection, difficulty swallowing or chewing, upper teeth or facial pain, and blood in saliva are major symptoms. Poor dental hygiene, HPV infection, and chemical exposure increase neck cancer risk. HPV vaccination and paint and wood dust exposure are essential.