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Friday, October 18, 2024

Ajeet Oak invented the tiger toilet to bring revolution to its health & sanitization industry.

Tiger toilets are the great invention of Ajeet Oak and they are providing an excellent solution to meet the demand for health and sanitization in India. Health and sensitization is the current topic in the entire world. Unfortunately, most rural parts of India do not have good health and sanitization facilities including toilets. The government has taken any steps in this regard but something revolutionary is needed to cover such a large area. This is the biggest challenge that we have to face to provide a neat and clean environment for the coming generations.

Innovation in health and sanitization

Today we are going to talk about a new type of toilet in which worms are used in place of water to keep everything neat and clean and we are expecting that it can help India to transform into a healthier place to live.

Innovative solutions are always in high demand because of the cost-effectiveness and feasibility to cover the large sanitary demand of India. The Government of India has also launched a Central rural sanitation program in 1986. This was launched to give good quality of life to the Indian citizens. But unfortunately, there is no big change is seen when it comes to rural areas of India. Health and sanitization is still a big challenge there.

Tiger toilets are great 

Most of the people don’t even know about the modern methods of using the toilet, maintenance, and benefits of having a good toilet at home or at working place. Most of the rural citizens still go out and do the toilet in open. The functional serial system is still it is unknown in many parts of India. Media is playing a great role in the Awareness of Health and sanitization but still, there are many things to be done yet.

In this direction, one unique solution was seen in 2015. Unique toilets are built in entire India and they are working perfectly. Worms are used in it to make it function properly without the addition of maintenance costs. Nearly 40,000 units are working perfectly in entire India, which is a Revolutionary step for the health and sanitation condition.

Easy working methods 

Now you must be wondering what is special about this toilet which works with the help of worms. There is not a traditional flushing system in modern toilets. They look like any ordinary pit latrines. They have biological agents which are called Tiger worms. 

These worms can naturally breathe in any environment, you can also find them in cow dung and horse dung. These worms can break down human waste efficiently and they can keep everything neat and clean. The good thing is that we can save water by using these bio-toilets. You should know that water is also so the biggest challenge in India with health and sanitization conditions.

What director says about it?

Mr. Ajit oak is the director of the Tiger toilet project in India and he said that these worms cannot survive without human waste on the soil. They need to have human waste to survive so they do not want to escape from the bio-toilet. This mechanism of the toilet can bring a revolution in India where health and sanitization conditions are very poor in rural areas and it is a big challenge for the government as well.

No need for drainage pipe or sewer

The tiger toilets can survive without the conventional drainage pipes for the mainline sewer. The total cost to build a tiger toilet is nearby 25,000 Indian rupees. The working mechanism of the Tiger toilet is very simple. When a human being is done with the natural cal they only need a very small amount of water to transfer the human waste into a worm field chamber.

Eco friendly and safe 

The worms the entire system is eco-friendly will do the rest of the things and it does not let the mosquitoes and flies to take birth in the human waste. This can keep the entire atmosphere neat and clean and there is no threat of spreading serious disease because of human waste. The tiger toilets do not leave pathogens behind them. This is a perfect example of waste management as well in the health and sanitization industry.

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