Altering cell metabolic programming prevents liver cancer, according to CIMAP, CSIR-CDRI, and CBMR research. Hepatocyte carcinoma development altered liver shape, enzyme levels, and metabolic pathways, according to the Elsevier study.
Recent research show that targeting cell metabolic programming helps prevent liver cancer, a growing health issue often diagnosed late.
The six-year study was conducted by scientists from CIMAP, CSIR-CDRI, and CBMR, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
Madhav Nilakanth Mugale, a CDRI scientist, found that cancer cells change metabolic programming, which can be exploited to diagnose and prevent cancer.
The Elsevier study also illuminates the metabolic riddles of hepatocyte carcinoma (HCC), a difficult liver malignancy.
In addition to understanding HCC, the finding opens doors for targeted therapy.
The study found decreased body weight, elevated blood enzyme levels, and liver architectural changes during HCC progression using specific staining and microscopy.
“Our team used Immunohistochemistry (IHC) to identify elevated markers in the cancerous liver, revealing its increased cancer-causing potential. According to Mugale, the STAT3-NFKB signaling pathway affects the cell’s metabolism, which drives mitochondrial dysfunction and reduces cell death.
He added Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is used to analyze liver and blood cell metabolism in a developing stage.
Advanced stages of HCC show aberrant cell cycle modifications, including energy synthesis and use, such as liver tissue succinate buildup, ketones breakdown, and amino acid processing abnormalities.
These metabolic changes in cells strongly correlated with liver cancer progression, suggesting they may be early warning signs.
“These findings bring hope for more effective liver cancer interventions,” said CDRI director Radha Rangarajan.
The Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, CSIR-CDRI, and Centre of Biomedical Research revealed that modifying cell metabolic programming can prevent liver cancer. The Elsevier study discovered that cancer cells modify metabolic programming, which can be utilized to diagnose and prevent cancer. The study also found lower body weight, increased enzyme levels, and aberrant cell cycle modifications in the liver during hepatocyte carcinoma (HCC) progression. These findings may help detect liver cancer early and improve treatment.