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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Meet Swati Kaushal who quit a high-paying job to become world-famous through her bestselling books

The demand for writing books and web content is growing. This is the inspiring story of Swati Kaushal, who is the author of four bestselling books.

Writing is a creative field that is attracting the masses. Swati Kaushal, who grew up with writing in her blood, is now the author of four bestselling books and is working on her fifth. She is a mother whose ambitions are as lofty as the sky.

When she worked in marketing, she used to come up with snappy and memorable taglines that were well received by the audience. Swati graduated from IIM Calcutta and went on to have a successful business career. Her intellect, on the other hand, was intent on altering the world one page at a time.

She worked in global brand management for several years while raising a family. But, she wanted her to leave her corporate career and travel around the world. This prompted her to start writing her first book, ‘Piece of Cake,’ on the advice of a journalist acquaintance.

She received an offer from one of the world’s most prestigious companies, but she turned it down due to her determination. Swati began to appreciate life after unloading the baggage of her business existence. Her strong desire to do something with her literary skills was accompanying her on her journey.

She recognised her current voice and demonstrated it through an important part of her career experience. Her husband’s new job required them to relocate to the United States, where they had to start over.

Swati recalls a morning when she was thinking back on an incident from her previous employment. It made people laugh, and she was encouraged to write her own book as a result.

She was scared when she initially started writing her first book, but as she went along, she gained the confidence to finish it sooner.

Swati’s passion for writing outweighed everything else in her life. She was cruising along when she received another job offer from an online tutorial in the United States, which she turned down.

She chose an uncertain path over a secure employment. Swati continues, “I was exposing myself to rejection and scorn.”

People criticised her decision, telling her she should stop wasting time writing and return to her successful job.

Swati says, her voice rising a notch, ” It was a risky move on my part. I knew if I didn’t write the book now, it would never get written.”

Swati’s book is a perfect blend of achievement and fun.  Her book’s success was a slap in the face to many who criticised her choices. Her novel ‘Piece of Cake’ has been reprinted six times and is available in three languages. The critical response to her book’s success has been deafening.

Swati is an example of a strong mother who has demonstrated how one may pursue one’s aspirations by making a single decision and putting effort into it. She advises aspiring female writers, “Write courageously and simply be yourself.”

Swati Kaushal finally says that the true reward of writing is the ‘process’ of creation, not just becoming world-famous for bestselling books.

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