Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan provided her statement to the police regarding the attempted robbery at her Mumbai residence in Bandra and the subsequent attack on her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan. She described how the intruder became aggressive during the altercation but refrained from taking any jewelry that was visibly accessible in the apartment.
The incident occurred early Thursday when an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan’s 12th-floor apartment in the Satguru Sharan building. During the robbery attempt, Saif confronted the suspect and sustained six stab injuries in the scuffle.
Saif was rushed to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital, where doctors revealed the extent of his injuries. He had suffered severe wounds to his spine and neck, with a knife lodged in his spine causing spinal fluid leakage. The actor underwent multiple surgeries and is now stable. Hospital authorities have confirmed that he is “out of danger” and recovering at the facility.
According to Kareena’s statement, as reported by news agency PTI, the attacker stabbed Saif multiple times during the struggle. However, Kareena noted that no valuables, including jewelry left out in the open, were taken.
Following the traumatic incident, Kareena’s sister, actress Karisma Kapoor, accompanied her to her home in Khar to ensure her safety and comfort.