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Monday, February 3, 2025

Blossom Media announces the Business Icon of India’ 2021 -Bharat Honey Bags The Prestigious Award

Bharat Unani Pharmacy has added a feather in its cap when its promotor Dr. Najeebuddin and his team received the ‘Business Icon of India’ 2021 award in a summit organised by Blossom Media and adjudicated by Indian Centre for Research and Promotion. The business is silently contributing to the mission of making India self-reliant Atma Nirbhar along with making all possible efforts to make people realise the natural benefits of honey.

Bharat Honey is a natural healer and healthy alternative to sugar. Common sugar is a highly processed sweetener made out of sugarcane, whereas honey is a natural sweetener made by honey bees using flower nectar. 

If health is your priority, it is wise to replace common table sugar with natural honey. Natural honey contains various micronutrients, live enzymes and antioxidants.

Where High consumption of white sugar carries a lot of health risks, natural honey consumption makes you healthy and fit.

When we are talking about natural honey, it is not the commercial honey usually available in the market. Honey should be raw and unprocessed like Bharat Honey. Honey in which the natural qualities of honey are kept intact.

Some health benefits of consuming natural honey which will give you enough reasons to replace sugar.

Digestion­- Natural honey has the simplest form of natural sugars. Firstly, it soothes the stomach lining. Secondly, it gets absorbed quickly and finally, it helps in the absorption of various nutrients.

Weight loss- The use of natural honey helps losing excess weight. Honey consumption makes you less crave for food and keeps you energetic while dieting.

Lowering the blood pressure- It has been observed that antioxidants compounds that are found in honey help in lowering blood pressure which also reduces the risk of heart diseases. 

For Burns and skin wounds like diabetic foot ulcers- Honey is beneficial not only when you eat it but you can also apply it on burns and wounds on your skin and it will help heal them. According to research natural honey is more effective in healing wounds compared to other antibiotics as natural honey helps in tissue growth and repair. Just ensure that you are using raw honey and NMR tested honey like Bharat Honey.

Honey is better than sugar when it comes to diabetes- Honey is undoubtedly very effective in reducing the chance of heart diseases in type 2 diabetic patients. Honey consumption may bring down bad cholesterol, inflammation and triglycerides and increase good cholesterol. However, Caution is necessary to select honey. Honey adulterated with sugar syrup may increase blood sugar levels. Choose Bharat Honey.

Honey is helpful in dealing with cough, especially in kids- Cough is a pretty common problem in kids and though mainstream medication can be effective, but it has certain side effects. It has been proven by scientific studies that honey gives better results than cough medications usually recommended by pediatrics. 

Honey is a good alternative to sugar as it is healthier, but it should be kept in mind that honey should be consumed with caution. A high quantity intake of honey can be harmful as it is high in calories and carbohydrates. Use only raw honey such as Bharat Honey because many brands add sugar syrup which is more harmful than sugar itself. For pure and genuine Honey visit https://www.bharathoney.com

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