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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Boosting Protein in a Vegetarian Diet: Key Plant-Based Sources You Can Rely On

People who follow a vegetarian diet do not eat meat, fish, eggs etc. and so do not get any prtein from animals.They may be at a risk of developing a protein deficiency, so it becomes all the more essential to incorporate plant-based protein in the daily diet. Let’s see some plant-based protein sources that you can include in your diet.

Nuts and Seeds – Seeds that come from vegetables such as pumpkin, flax, sunflower or hemp and nuts are excellent sources of protein. They can be eaten as a snack or sprinkled over the morning cereal or youghurt. Nut and seed-based spreads are also readily available in the market that can be included for a protein-rich diet. Popular seeds and nuts include:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Nut spreads
  • Cashewnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Pistachio
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts

Whole Grains – Whole grains have all the health benefits intact as they are not processed. They contain all essential vitamins, proteins and minerals. Include the following whole grains in your diet to get protein.

  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Sorghum
  • Brown Rice
  • Whole wheat

For those needing extra protein, plant-based protein supplements like pea protein can be easily added to smoothies or shakes for a quick boost.

Legumes and Beans – Beans and legumes are very rich in protein and can be replaced for any kind of meat in curries, salad, soups, tacos and other dishes. Derived from soybeans, both tofu and tempeh are versatile and protein-rich options that can be added to stir-fries, salads, and sandwiches. They are perfect for creating balanced vegetarian meals. Common legumes and beans include the following

  • Chick peas
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Lima beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Soy beans
  • Black beans
  • Lentils
  • Tofu
  • Tempeh

Dairy Products – Dairy products are very good sources of protein as they have all the essential amino acids needed by the body. You can get protein from the following dairy products

  • Cottage cheese
  • Mozarella cheese
  • Greek Yoghurt
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Whole milk

Vegetables – Almost all vegetablesare rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. But some like, Brussel’s sprouts are also rich in proteins. Some other vegetables that are rich in protein are

  • Broccoli
  • Lima beans
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Asparagus

Conclusion-Plant-based diet needs thoughtful planning so that you get a well-rounded diet that has all the nutrients that our body needs. Combining a variety of these sources helps prevent deficiencies while providing essential amino acids needed by the body.

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