Javelin champion Neeraj Chopra surprised his fans by announcing his marriage on Sunday. The double Olympic medalist shared the joyful news on X (formerly Twitter), posting photos with his wife, Himani Mor, as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives.
जीवन के नए अध्याय की शुरुआत अपने परिवार के साथ की। 🙏
— Neeraj Chopra (@Neeraj_chopra1) January 19, 2025
Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.
नीरज ♥️ हिमानी pic.twitter.com/OU9RM5w2o8
He captioned the post, “जीवन के नए अध्याय की शुरुआत अपने परिवार के साथ की। Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after. नीरज हिमानी”
जीवन के नए अध्याय की शुरुआत अपने परिवार के साथ की। 🙏
— Neeraj Chopra (@Neeraj_chopra1) January 19, 2025
Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.
नीरज ♥️ हिमानी pic.twitter.com/OU9RM5w2o8
In the shared images, Neeraj Chopra and Himani were dressed in coordinated off-white and baby-pink outfits, exuding elegance and happiness. However, the star athlete chose to keep the details of the ceremony private, letting the photos speak for themselves.
On the professional front, Neeraj’s next appearance in the javelin arena will be at the Continental Tour’s javelin-only competition in India. Despite this, his primary focus remains on the World Championship, where he aims to deliver yet another stellar performance.
Congratulations to the couple and their families.