On Friday, the Supreme Court granted bail to Benoy Babu, an officer of the liquor firm Pernod Ricard, who was accused of violating the Delhi liquor policy. Although the excise policy lawsuit was granted relief, the Supreme Court made some noteworthy observations.
As the court pointed out, “You can’t keep people behind bars before trial for so long.” On November 10, 2022, Benoy Babu was taken into custody by the Enforcement Directorate and placed under judicial supervision. The Supreme Court noticed variances in the reports provided by investigation authorities. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) appear to be making different allegations, according to the Supreme Court. This is inappropriate. During the Friday hearing, the Supreme Court stated, “We don’t know how this case will go (ahead).”
Two days after Rouse Avenue Court in Delhi rejected Babu’s temporary medical bail in a money laundering case related to the Delhi excise policy issue, the Supreme Court now provides relief to him. The accused was being held in a detention facility, and the court noted that it was not an appropriate situation for the granting of temporary bail for 4.5 months on medical grounds. The court ruled that Benoy Babu’s normal bail plea had previously been denied by both the High Court and the Rouse Avenue court and that it was impossible to overlook the severity of the money laundering case.