After a terrible occurrence in which a man tragically lost his life after following directions from Google Maps, a family in the United States filed a lawsuit against Google. In September of the previous year, Philip Paxson passed suddenly when his car slammed off a bridge in Hickory, North Carolina that had fallen in 2013.
Paxson’s wife, Alicia, claimed in a complaint against Google’s parent company, Alphabet, that “Google Maps directed him to cross the Snow Creek Bridge” while he was traveling through an unknown neighborhood on his way back from his daughter’s ninth birthday celebration. State authorities tragically discovered the deceased body of the Navy veteran inside his flipped-over and half submerged truck.
According to the lawsuit, Paxson drove off an unsecured ledge and fell a terrifying 20 feet below. He was not informed of the approaching danger by any warning signs or barriers that were placed alongside the route.
In her statement, Alicia Paxson described the heartache her family has gone through. She emphasized the great sorrow and uncertainty resulting from the circumstances surrounding their father’s terrible death by mentioning her girls’ constant inquiries regarding his passing.
In addition, the lawsuit claims that in the years preceding this tragic incident, Google Maps had received several notifications from people asking the internet giant to improve its route data.
A Google representative responded to the case by expressing the company’s sincere sympathies to the Paxson family. They made clear that providing correct routing information through Google Maps is the company’s top priority and said they are now investigating the claim.
This terrible tragedy serves as a reminder of the value of assuring the precision of navigational aids and the obligation of technology companies to swiftly remedy identified faults in order to avoid such dire results in the future.
An American family has filed a lawsuit against Google after a man, Philip Paxson, lost his life after following directions from Google Maps. Paxson’s wife, Alicia, claims that Google Maps directed him to cross the Snow Creek Bridge in Hickory, North Carolina, without warning signs or barriers. The family alleges that Google Maps had received numerous notifications asking for improved route data before the incident. Google has expressed its sincere sympathies to the Paxson family and is now investigating the claim. The tragedy serves as a reminder of the importance of accurate navigational aids and the responsibility of technology companies to promptly address identified faults to avoid similar incidents in the future.