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Friday, March 14, 2025

International Autism Camp organized by DR A. M Reddy Autism Center For Better Children’s Health

Get your child assessed because autism is a neurological developmental and behavioural disorder that affects communication and social interaction skills.

Autism is not a disease. It is part of a range of developmental disorders known as autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). They begin in childhood and last through adulthood.

Symptoms of autism usually appear around the age of 2 or 3. Some associated developmental delays may appear even earlier, and often, can be diagnosed as early as 18 months of age.

It is estimated that worldwide about 1 in 100 children has autism.This estimate represents an average figure, and reported prevalence varies substantially across studies. Some well-controlled studies have, however, reported figures that are substantially higher.

This is an increase from the 2012 global prevalence report which found that 62 in 10,000 children were autistic.The increase in autism prevalence around the world reflects in part the impact of public health efforts to raise global awareness of autism spectrum disorder.

DR A.M Reddy aware Parents With Effects of autism i.e  Delayed language skills, Delayed movement skills, Delayed cognitive or learning skills, Hyperactive, impulsive and/or inattentive behaviour, Epilepsy or seizure disorders, Abnormal eating and sleeping habits,

There are gastrointestinal issues (for example, constipation) and unusual mood or emotional reactions.He had a strong belive that prevention is better than cure so we should share knowledge and aware Parents.

DR A.M REDDY told that homeopathy has shown some good results in the treatment of autism in children. Behaviour modification is possible through homeopathic medicines and this fact has been well documented.

Research studies have estimated that homeopathic medicines bring about positive changes for a wide range of symptoms in autistic children.

Homeopathy boosts your immune system rather than treating the illness. If too many medications are used to treat acute issues, they turn into chronic ones. Homeopathy is a German medical technique that has only been scientifically demonstrated to work on humans, not animals.It is quick acting, efficient, and ought to be utilized initially for serious illnesses.

Homoeopathic treatments improve both your physical and emotional well. Suppressing your disease will only make things worse. Use homoeopathic drugs to bolster your immune system without suffering any negative side effects.

Also,It can be controlled by counseling, behavioral corrections, a good diet, and vitamin supplements. Evidence-based psychosocial interventions can improve communication and social skills, with a positive impact on the well-being and quality of life of both autistic people and their caregivers.

All people, including people with autism, have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

And yet, autistic people are often subject to stigma and discrimination, including unjust deprivation of health care, education and opportunities to engage and participate in their communities.

 WHO also working WHO Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2030 and World Health Assembly Resolution WHA73.10 for “global actions on epilepsy and other neurological disorders” calls on countries to address the current significant gaps in early detection, care, treatment and rehabilitation for mental and neurodevelopmental conditions, which include autism.

It also calls for counties to address the social, economic, educational and inclusion needs of people living with mental and neurological disorders, and their families, and to improve surveillance and relevant research.

Dr. A.M. Reddy, the Director and Founder of the Dr.Care network of hospitals, has 20 years of experience in this sector, with a focus on autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and paediatric

behavioural problems.Any health issue should be thoroughly examined to identify the underlying reason and the best course of action.I get up early, am committed to getting things done, and work hard to improve the patients’ lives everyday.

My extensive research and in-depth analysis of paediatric behavioural issues, autism, and ADHD led me to the conclusion that children should not receive too many immunisations or antibiotics.

I was given the distinction of “the most trusted autism specialist” by the UK parliament, along with the UK Parliament award. I’m quite pleased with myself

Children are the future of all Of the future for every country.

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