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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mean friend asks man to pay for 3 fries in viral encounter on Tiktok

Every person needs a friend. In fact, friends are the ones who come to a man’s help whenever he needs them. But, friendship with a someone who is mean can cost you a lot.

A man who went out for a meal with his friend was asked to pay US $0.47 (AUD $0.64) by the friend for a few fries.

Peter, who posts TikTok videos under the handle @peterpribylpierdinock, says he was messaging with his friend Alex later that night about how much money he needed to deposit after the lunch.

Alex sent him a message that said: “Hello!! I’m splitting the meal bill (right now). You had some of my fries, didn’t you? Lol.”

The encounter has now become viral on TikTok. 

“Haha, I suppose I had a couple,” Peter said.

“Okay, no worries lol, I’ll just (additionally) put like 47 cents to your venmo charge? If that’s okay with you, “Alex spoke up.

“So $23.83 (AUD $22.70) total!!! Ur dinner + tip + portion of my meal that you ate.” 

Venmo is a money transfer service that is popular in the United States.

On TikTok, Peter claims he ate “maybe three fries” from Alex’s plate, but only after he offered him some.

His video of the awkward text interaction has been viewed over three million times, and a heated debate regarding how the bill was split has ensued.

One of the many commentators suggested, “Charge Alex 3 cents for using your data for that message.”

Another commented, “People getting way too comfortable with Venmo,”Venmo is a popular money transfer service in America.

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