Priyanka Chopra is among the best actors we have ever seen. She has established herself not just in Bollywood but also internationally, and she has often brought pride to our nation. She is not only an amazing actress, but she is also a devoted mother who consistently demonstrates that she is bringing her daughter Malti to the highest standard.
In a recent interview with Quint Neon, the actress from Sky Is Pink talked candidly about her experiences as a working mother, her mom guilt about her luxury, and other topics.
Priyanka Chopra discusses her mother’s remorse
The actress began by mentioning that she was also raised by a working mother when asked how she manages her professional life and being a mother to Malti and what advice she would want to give to other working mothers. She believes that mothers who are not employed work nonstop. Priyanka Chopra went on to say that women, particularly those without jobs, are not given enough credit for the amount of labour they accomplish.
The Love Again actress made the joke that having a child requires a community and that choosing a supporting spouse is essential. She also acknowledged that the actress feels bad having to go to the set even if there are a lot of people surrounding her daughter.
Priyanka Chopra talks about her early hospital visits with her mother
Speaking about her early years, Priyanka Chopra discloses that her mother used to take her to the hospital. She used to play with them at the nurse station. The actress believes that this has significantly aided her in creating a setting in which a parent may embrace their kid into their everyday existence. “When I went to school, there was one item in particular that really helped me realise what my parents were doing. The worldwide celebrity said, “My kid believes that I play pretend for a career.
Priyanka Chopra’s next motion pictures
Regarding Priyanka Chopra’s work, she will next be seen with Idris Elba and John Cena in the Hollywood picture Heads of State. In addition, Priyanka most recently starred alongside Stanley Tucci and Richard Madden in the online series Citadel and the movie Love Again.