The highly anticipated horror-comedy sequel, Stree 2: Sarkate Ka Aatank, has secured a spot on IMDb’s list of Most Popular Indian Films of 2024. Produced by Dinesh Vijan and directed by Amar Kaushik, the film stars RajKummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in lead roles. With its unique blend of humor and horror, Stree 2 has not only captivated audiences but also set the box office ablaze.
To celebrate the film’s achievement, lead actor RajKummar Rao shared his joy on Instagram. He posted a picture of Amar Kaushik holding the IMDb trophy with the iconic line “Oo Stree Kal Aana” in the background.
Captioning the post, RajKummar wrote:
“Congratulations mere bhai. Is Purush ne Stree ko Amar kar diya.” (Translation: This man has immortalized Stree.)
Amar Kaushik responded to the love by re-sharing the post and adding, “Is Stree ne hum sab purushon ko Raj karaaya.” (Translation: This Stree made us all kings.)
In addition to RajKummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, the film featured a stellar supporting cast – Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurrana, Abhishek Banerjee, Tamannaah Bhatia and Akshay Kumar also made special cameo appearances, adding to the film’s allure.
Stree 2 achieved monumental success at the box office:
· Lifetime Domestic Collection: Over ₹627 crore.
· Record-Breaking Achievement: The highest-grossing Bollywood film of 2024.
Its success has further cemented the Stree franchise as one of the most beloved in Indian cinema.