In just six days, the Ranbir Kapoor film Animal reached the Rs 300 crore milestone in India. In less than a week after its debut, the movie has brought in Rs 312.96 crore net in the domestic market, according to industry tracker Sacnilk. The sixth day brought in its lowest total of Rs 30 crore; although this is the lowest total for a single day in Animal’s run, this amount still exceeds the lifetime earnings of the majority of Bollywood blockbusters. After six days, Animal has brought in a total of Rs 527.6 crore globally, according to T-Series, the production company behind the movie.
On its first day, Animal brought in a total of Rs 63.8 crore at the box office. On its third day, the movie brought in its greatest amount of money at the box office, earning Rs 71.46 crore. The film grossed an incredible Rs 43.96 crore on its opening Monday and Rs 37.47 crore on Tuesday. On Wednesday, 34.88% of animal was occupied overall. The movie had 1290 showings with an occupancy rate of 48.25% in the Delhi-NCR area and 1003 showings with an occupancy rate of 38.75% in Mumbai.
Animal has already surpassed Jawan, Pathaan, and Gadar 2 as the fourth-highest grossing Bollywood film of the year. In India, Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan brought in Rs 643.87 crore, while Pathaan brought in Rs 543.05 crore.
Animal is about to exceed Sanju’s lifetime totals and become Ranbir’s greatest hit to date. When it was released in 2018, Rajkumar Hirani’s 2018 film brought in Rs 342.53 crore. Animal’s earnings are Rs 29.57 crore short of Sanju’s. This movie has proven to be an even greater hit for filmmaker Sandeep Reddy Vanga than Kabir Singh. In India, the Shahid Kapoor film earned Rs 278.24 crore nett upon its release in 2019. Despite having an A rating, a runtime of almost three and a half hours, and negative reviews, Animal is hitting these box office goals.
If the movie stays in cinemas for a few more weeks, it could be able to surpass Pathaan’s all-time record at the box office.