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Thursday, March 13, 2025

This family-built EcoCushion Paper: A Rs 1.5 cr eco-friendly packaging startup

With Honeycomb paper packaging, the Mumbai-based start-up EcoCushion Paper has eliminated over 3 million metres of plastic bubble. The packaging is cost-effective, 100 percent recyclable, and up to 80 percent less storage space may be needed.

After more than 40 years of working in Delhi, a 62-year-old man made the decision to relocate to Mumbai in April 2020 in order to be closer to his children.

Varsha and Naman, his two grown children, both in their thirties, flew to Mumbai to help their father pack up his possessions, which included priceless antiques and other treasures that needed to be transferred securely.

Like many individuals who move, the Agarwal family wrapped their possessions in bubble wrap. They were worried about the quantity of plastic they had to use, though, and they were aware of any potential environmental problems this would bring about.

He had always hoped that his post-retirement life would have a deeper meaning. He wished to contribute positively to society in some way.

The Mumbai-based business EcoCushion Paper, which offers eco-friendly packaging to thousands of small businesses, is a representative of his initiative. They assert that the honeycomb paper packaging they employ is cost-effective, 100% recyclable, and may cut back on the amount of storage space needed by as much as 80%.

In a normal warehouse, 100 metres of bubble wrap require around 2 feet by 4 feet of storage space. However, less space is required because the paper is thinner and may be compressed. Since single-use plastic has been outlawed, honeycomb is starting to become a highly sought-after replacement, making it an inexpensive option.

Varsha and Naman listened to their father’s recommendations for environmentally friendly packaging solutions throughout the course of the following several days. Varsha describes how he spent weeks researching before finally coming across one honeycomb article.

He told them over breakfast why he thought honeycomb paper was the greatest choice, and as he was doing so, they too began to realise the possibilities for a business. In order to discuss topics like paper thickness, the specifics of launching a business, their desired goods, etc., the father, son, and daughter trio gathered together. Naman was able to select the right paper grade from the market’s perplexing array of several paper grades.

He spoke with experts from the New Bombay Paper Mills about the potential for getting and utilising the paper alongside his father.

Stop using plastics right away if you want to change the world and  contribute to protecting the environment. And if you’re having trouble coming up with plastic substitutes, read about how these 5 Indian entrepreneurs are coming up with novel plastic substitutes to get rid of them from your kitchen.

Once their manufacturing certifications, small company MSME credentials, and legal process were all complete, they were ready to introduce EcoCushion Paper in 2021. Following that, they began collecting paper reels and testing them to see how they would behave when passed through the machine cutter. The honeycomb paper is the result of “a specific cutting pattern.”

Their Navi Mumbai factory can presently generate 5 million metres per month. It took another month for the family to start selling their wares. Their workforce has grown in tandem with their orders over time.

They assert that EcoCushion Paper is their first step in becoming the change they want to see in the world.

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