Gurucharan Singh, known for his role as Roshan Singh Sodhi in the popular television show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, has been hospitalized in a critical condition. His close friend Bhakti Soni recently disclosed that Singh has not consumed food or water for 19 days, leading to serious health concerns. She expressed deep worry for his well-being, revealing details from their last conversation.
“He hasn’t eaten food or drunk water for 19 days. Because of that, he fell unconscious and was quickly rushed to the hospital. When he came back, he tried getting work but couldn’t find any opportunities. He even expressed a desire to take ‘sanyas’ (renunciation),” Bhakti shared in an interview.
She further elaborated on their last phone conversation, stating, “When we last spoke, he told me that by January 13 or 14, he would understand whether he would continue living on this earth. These were his words. His parents are extremely worried about his health, but Gurucharan is not listening to anyone.”
Earlier this week, Singh shared a video on his Instagram account, where he was seen lying on a hospital bed. He used the occasion of Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti to express his gratitude while revealing his health struggles.
Gurucharan Singh rose to fame playing Roshan Singh Sodhi, a fun-loving, party-spirited character who never hesitated to show his affection for his wife. His portrayal made him one of the most beloved characters on the show. He was part of the founding cast of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah but left in 2012, only to return the following year due to public demand. He eventually exited the show again in 2020, after which Balwinder Singh Suri took over the role.