Salman Khan and Sangeeta Bijlani’s love story remains one of Bollywood’s most talked-about romances. However, Sangeeta recently revealed there’s an aspect of their relationship she wishes could have been different. During her appearance on Indian Idol 15, she shared that Salman didn’t allow her to wear short outfits.
When asked by a contestant if there was anything she would change about her career, Sangeeta candidly responded, “You know, our ex (mimicking Salman), I felt very restricted. I mean, he’d say, ‘Don’t wear this, your clothes shouldn’t be too short. They should be this long, or cover this much.’ Initially, I followed these restrictions, but over time, I wasn’t allowed to wear certain dresses. Back then, I was shy and reserved, but that’s not who I am anymore. Now, I’m completely bold and fearless.”
Here is the video:
Her honest and humorous response highlights how she has grown over the years, shedding her earlier inhibitions to embrace her individuality and confidence.