WhatsApp’s monthly compliance report: WhatsApp, owned by Meta, decided to ban over 76 lakh Indian accounts in February 2024 in conformity with the IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
The company claimed in its monthly compliance report that 7,628,000 WhatsApp accounts were banned from February 1 to 29, including 1,424,000 proactively terminated before user reports.
More than 500 million people use the messaging network, which received a record 16,618 complaint reports in February and “actioned” 22.
“Accounts Actioned” reports indicate reports where WhatsApp takes remedial action, which may include banning or restoring an account.
“We respond to all grievances except those that are duplicates of previous tickets. The business stated an account is ‘actioned’ when a complaint results in its ban or restoration.
From January 1-31, the business banned “6,728,000 accounts”. Before user reports, 1,358,000 accounts were proactively banned.
Along with safety features and controls, “We employ a team of engineers, data scientists, analysts, researchers, and experts in law enforcement, online safety, and technology developments to oversee these efforts.”
The leaked information suggests that the messaging app’s in-app UPI could enable international payments. AssembleDebug stated on X that WhatsApp may be working on a UPI-based international payment solution for Indian consumers.