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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Food Blogger And Full Time Foodie – Kalyan Karmakar

There are just a couple of individuals who consider pursuing their visions rather than simply satisfying the duties of existing on the planet. Following your own personal enthusiasm gets troublesome now and again, however, the person who conquers these obstacles, gets the opportunity to achieve what’s he want in life, and internal peace forever. They’re correct when they express ‘Genuine progress lies in doing what you love’ and the journey of Kalyan Karmakar, a Mumbai based Market Researcher turned travel and food blogger, demonstrates the truth of the above expression. Kalyan is an MBA who launched his career as a Market Researcher in Mumbai in the year 1997. He proceeded in his profession as a research analyst for quite a while until hit by a mid-profession emergency in the year 2007.

Before being a Food Blogger

Kalyan has been a foodie for as far back as he can recall. Brought up in England and afterwards in Iran till he was 10, his relationship with western cooking began youthfully. With Indian ingredients, being scant at that point, western food was all he knew until his family moved to Kolkata, West Bengal during the 1980s. This was the place he reconnected with his Bengali roots and Indian legacy. Kalyan’s school and school years were moulded by his local cooking and Calcutta’s flourishing road food culture. However, there was an entirely different universe of food hanging tight for him in Mumbai. At the point when he moved there as an economic researcher, not long after college, Kalyan immediately realised that he was in India’s food capital. Parsi, Mangalorean, Gujarati, and so on, the city has diverse in every respect.

Stepping into a new world

Kalyan is a foodie. He used to talk about foods all the time, so his wife thought of opening a food blog for him in 2007.  The name of the site was www.finelychopped.net, he started food blogging. Till 2012 it remained it as just a hobby but thereafter, kalyan converted it into his full time profession.

 It was quite a tough decision on part of  Kalyan, but he believed in the saying that if you don’t have mental peace then,what is the use of such hard-earned money? He soon became a celebrated blogger. He has penned multiple books like The Travelling Belly – Eating, Through India’s By-Lanes etc.
As a Food columnist and blogger his recipes and reviews on his site have earned him lakhs of followers. He is also popular on his self-titled YouTube channel. he was even invited for a radio talk show. He had also written food  columns for Indian Express and NDTV Foods channel. He rouse as an expert voice on all things food.

Road to recovery

Kalyan karmakar was  diagnosed with pre-diabetes some months ago. For sometime he didn’t knew how to deal with his condition when his whole life revolves around food? Kalyan started eating more often at home and experimenting together with his food choices, whether home or outside. He combined more grains, meats and millets into his diet and even began eating vegetables he never liked before. His snacks changed course from ordered-in egg rolls to nuts and fruits. He really started enjoying his journey and he’s proud to mention that he hasn’t had one bad meal since. In Buddhism, they recite of “turning poison into medicine”. He was now in a much better frame of mind to deal with the diagnosis. He understood completely what needed to be done, and took up the challenge to still eat good food. Of course, he changed the way he ate previously , but he still enjoy his meals.

Food is his life

Kalyan Karmakar’s is not just one of the many famous personalities in the Indian blogging zone, but he is a very good example of thinking out of the box and making a hobby into a career which he would never get in his market researcher job. He is always hungry for taste.

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