Let us come together and pledge to get the world rid of tobacco on this world no tobacco day. The day will be celebrated with good enthusiasm this year on May 31st.
Every year on May 31, the globe commemorates World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). This annual event informs the public about the dangers of smoking, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization (WHO) is doing to combat tobacco use, and what people all over the world can do to assert their right to health and a healthy lifestyle while also safeguarding future generations.
The theme of this year
The theme for this year’s World No Tobacco Day is Quit Tobacco to Win. There are materials that can be utilized to inform people about the dangers of smoking. You can also use the hashtag #CommitToQuit to share photographs and ideas of what can be done in our communities to assist smokers to quit smoking on Twitter and other social media platforms.
Over 70% of the world’s 1.3 billion tobacco smokers do not have access to the resources they need to successfully stop. The gap in access to cessation services has only widened in the last year as the health workforce has been mobilized to deal with the pandemic.
How did it start?
The World Health Organization’s Member States established World No Tobacco Day in 1987. The aim was to make the tobacco pandemic and its evitable mortality and disease more known world-wide. The World Health Assembly passed a resolution establishing April 7th as a world no-smoking day on April 7, 1988. Every year on May 31, World No Tobacco Day, once the resolution was approved, became a significant day for health workers and the community to support individuals to stop smoking.
By the numbers
– The estimated number of individuals killed by smoking during the twentieth century is 100 million.
– 16 million – the number of adults in the United States who suffer from a disease linked to smoking.
– In 2017, 8 million individuals died as a result of smoking.
– 15 percent – the percentage of deaths worldwide attributed to smoking.
– Over the age of 70, smoking is responsible for more than half of all deaths.
– 1 out of every 5 adults in the world smokes tobacco.
– The proportion of the world’s 1.3 billion tobacco consumers who live in low- and middle-income nations is 80 percent.
Come let us educate the youth
The easiest method to quit smoking is to never start, as the saying goes. So try to persuade the young people in your life to give up the habit. There may be a march or other public protest depending on where you live. Perhaps you could create a cool poster to assist them promote themselves. Hold a competition to see who can design the best anti-smoking poster. Teenagers can be mischievous, so you’ll want to spell out what constitutes “acceptable” behavior before the big reveal.