An overview of Microsoft, the world’s largest software company
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In 1975, at a time when most Americans used typewriters, Bill Gates and Paul Allen found the world's largest software company. This article contains...
5 ways you can boost your career with technology
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Technology not only affects the way we do things, but it also aids in career development. This article aims to help you boost your...
How to use your smartphone to start a morning routine for a great day
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Is your phone a source of sleeplessness or can you become a morning person with it? Learn to use your smartphone to start a...
How to Extend the Life of Your Smartphone’s Battery
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Saving the battery life of your phones is vital as they help us stay connected, among other things. Learn 5 key tips to save...
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Block Beats Company Now Launching BITICA Block Chain World Wide On 14th January, 2022
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According to DR.SAHIL KADARI, CEO/CMD/Founder of Block Beats Company, blockchain represents the future of the next generation and one of the best investment prospects...