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All you need to know about World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day is observed to raise cancer awareness and to support cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. This article contains all you need to know about World Cancer Day.

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) leads World Cancer Day, an international day observed on April 4, to promote the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, which was issued in 2008. The major purpose of World Cancer Day is to drastically reduce cancer-related illness and mortality, and it serves as a chance to unite the international community to end the injustice of cancer-related suffering. The United Nations observes the day.

This Day aims to dispel myths, boost awareness, and minimise stigma. On World Cancer Day, a variety of initiatives are held to demonstrate support for those impacted by cancer. One of these campaigns is #NoHairSelfie, a global movement in which “participants” shave their heads physically or online to show courage for individuals enduring cancer treatment. Images of participants are then widely disseminated on social media. Hundreds of other events take place all around the world.

On February 4, 2000, the World Cancer Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium was convened in Paris, and World Cancer Day was established.

The Paris Against Cancer Charter, which was created to promote research, prevent cancer, and improve patient services, also included an article designating the anniversary of the document’s official signing as World Cancer Day, which was signed at the Summit by the then-General Director of UNESCO, Kichir Matsuura and then French President Jacques Chirac in Paris on February 4, 2000.

Close the care gap, the new World Cancer Day 2022-2024 campaign topic, is about identifying and overcoming the hurdles that many people throughout the world have in accessing the care they require.

The campaign theme for the period between 2019 and 2021 was ‘I Am and I Will.’ The concept tried to challenge the pessimistic mindset and fatalistic assumption that there is nothing that can be done about cancer by promoting how our personal acts may be strong and meaningful.

In 2016, the Day launched a three-year campaign with the motto “We can. I can.” The campaign highlighted the power of collective and individual efforts to minimise the effect of cancer. Prior to 2016, the campaign themes were “Not Beyond Us” (2015) and “Debunk the Myths” (2016). (2014).

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